2023 Conference Sub Themes

Guidelines for Submission of Abstracts, Posters and Final Full Papers

21st Annual Conference and Meeting of the Association of Parliamentary Libraries in Eastern and Southern Africa (APLESA) Organized by The Parliament of Zimbabwe 18th -25th May 2024 

We are inviting abstracts of poster and paper presentations aligned to the main theme and sub-themes of this conference as enlisted.

Main Conference Theme


Reengineering and Modernization of the Parliamentary Library, in Search of Excellence in the Information Retrieval Service


      1. Design and Evaluation of Information Systems and Services
      2.  Essential Collections Development Policy for Parliamentary Libraries
      3. Library Transition and Data Security
      4. Adoption of Digital Technologies to Address the Lack of Library Users.


Abstracts, posters and full papers must be submitted electronically to:
1. Dr. I. Munyoro munyorois@gmail.com/ munyoroi@parlzim.gov.zw
2. Dr C. Gwakwara :gwakwarac@gmail.com/ Ms M. Chikomo :Chikomom@parlzim.gov.zw,